Microcomputers – How They Differ From Conventional PCs

Electronics has firmly entered the life of modern man. You can buy one instead of a bulky PC and be completely satisfied. In the period of global computerization, office equipment has acquired miniature dimensions and greater power. Functional microcomputers have great capabilities and have excellent specifications.

Advantages Of Microcomputers

Every year, many companies produce unique new office equipment that can be successfully used in educational institutions and at home. With the help of a microcomputer, you can learn programming without attending courses.

There are two options for developing and mastering circuitry: buying boards on a microcontroller or a single-board computer. It is important to immediately determine the platform type and make the right choice. A large selection of single-board computers offers RS – you can find the best models in its catalogs.

The main advantages of a microcomputer:

  • It can be used as a game console
  • It can be used as a file storage device
  • Low power consumption
  • Works quietly

The only disadvantages of such equipment are a relatively limited upgrade and the complexity of repair. The smaller the size of a microcomputer you buy, the lower the performance it will have.

Single-Board Computers

Single Board Computers are used to create workstations and servers and build industrial computers and industrial information systems. They are a full-featured compact computer with all elements (microprocessors, video card, network card, RAM, etc.) integrated into a single board.

Such a computer is immediately ready for use and does not require any additional costs for modification: as a rule, it includes all the necessary I/O interfaces – Ethernet, USB, RS-232, SATA, RS-484, IDE, etc., which allows you to connect any equipment to it.

Despite the fact that today everyone can buy a single-board computer, they remain the most popular in the industry because they provide great flexibility for developers of industrial computing systems: such computers are resistant to shock, well tolerate vibration loads, can work in a wide range of temperatures, can operate autonomously for a long time.

Single board model has one or more cores and up to 1000 MHz. The RAM in the devices is more than a hundred megabytes. The technique is able to cope with many tasks and easily connects to the network module. The first models of single-board computers appeared back in 2012. Since then, the technique has been significantly improved. Developers have created many new versions. Each subsequent modification is a successful machine with outstanding capabilities and a powerful processor.

The minicomputer itself is an open board, on which are placed:

  • connectors for devices
  • processor
  • Internet port
  • audio output

Different versions are equipped with 1-4 core processors. Such models can be successfully used to study the basics of electronics and as a server. With a mouse, keyboard, and monitor connection, the microcomputer becomes a full-fledged PC. The technique perfectly pulls game programs and can be used as a game console. Each single-board microcomputer Raspberry Pi is beyond competition. Gadgets are also used in robotics as a processor.

Microcomputer is a new device of the latest generation. In the online store, you can choose the actual model of the gadget with great features.

The Bottom Line

SBCs build workstations, servers, industrial computers, and industrial information systems. These small computers combine microprocessors, video cards, network cards, RAM, and other components into a single board.

 This type of computer comes with all the essential I/O interfaces, such as Ethernet, USB, RS-232, SATA, RS-484, IDE, etc., so you may attach any equipment to it without modification.

Although anyone can buy a single-board computer, they remain the most popular in industry because they offer builders of industrial computing systems great flexibility.

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